As we stepped into 2025 last week, I found myself reflecting on 2024. It was a tough year in many ways, but it was also filled with beautiful moments that still make me smile.
One of those moments happened last March. David has been going on retreats since he turned 50 and invited me to join him. We packed up everything we needed, loaded Ziggy into the car, and set off for The Shire.
The trip was a blast, but one memory stands out: Ziggy, our happy, big boy, found a giant and very cold mud puddle and waded right through it without a second thought. He loved every messy second of it, and his joy was infectious. It’s one of those simple, perfect moments that makes me happy.

What about you? Looking back, what's a 2024 memory that makes you smile?
2024 seemed like it was an up and down year. One thing that stands out is a memory of going to Guanajuato, Mexico to teach a class. I arrived early and I stayed at Alma del Sol that has a beautiful rooftop garden/ studio. My friend Hugo runs the place and is also a printmaker. I went down to Guanajuato early so I could witness the Holy Week in action. Hugo and I sat on the rooftop and watched the entire processional weave through the streets of Guanajuato. This was around 8 or so at night. Earlier in the day, people were out on the street eating food off of grills that included big hunks of meet and grilled corn slathered in mayonnaise and hot sauce. It was kind of like Mardi Gras. When the processional started, the grills were still on the street, people still ordering and eating, and as the processional approached, people moved the hot grills off the street and the "body" was carried through. There were trumpets blasting and drums pounding and it was a somber experience. Hugo and I continued to drink margaritas and take it all in. When the processional arrived at the cathedral, silence shrouded the city. No Drums, no trumpets, nothing. I took one last slurp of my margarita and went to bed. Seemed like the right thing to do.
Love to you both and Ziggy!
My favorite moment of 2024 was when Harlow made a stop in Nashville on our summer tour in August. We got some hot chicken sandwiches, played the best set of the tour (that was also very well received), and stayed out til 4 in the morning with our new friends—all of whom were producers, songwriters, musicians, etc. in Nashville. It was one the best nights of the year.
Another highlight is learning to surf in Portugal and making friends from around the world at the hostels. 2024 was a good one! Hope for more travel, music, and friends in 2025.