To resolve, or not to resolve—that is the question…
As we say goodbye to 2024 and welcome the new year, it's that time for reflection and renewal. For many (me included), the tradition of declaring New Year's resolutions is synonymous with embracing a fresh start.
It seems people fall into two camps: those who love resolutions and those who avoid them. Personally, I enjoy reflecting on the past year—thinking about the memories I've made, the trips I've taken, the live music I've enjoyed, the books I've read, and the people I've spent time with. It's a time to celebrate what’s been and look forward to what's to come.
This reflection naturally leads me to consider the year ahead: the habits I want to build, the relationships I want to nurture, and the experiences I hope to create. For many years, I've found joy in creating a vision board to keep my goals front and center, sharing them with a few close people who can help keep me accountable.
As I write this, I'm still fine-tuning my resolutions, but here are a few ideas taking shape:
Deepen my yoga practice. My yoga practice is well-established, but in 2025 I want to take it further—spending more time on the mat and exploring new aspects of the practice.
Revitalize my guitar journey. February 2025 will mark two years since I picked up the guitar. To keep things fresh, I plan to take more lessons and break out the classical guitar to try something new.
Cultivate a consistent writing habit. I aim to write daily—whether a song, blog post, letter, or general musing. Writing is something I love, and I want to make it a priority.
Travel more! Last year, I took time to recharge with breaks and trips, and it made a huge difference. I'm committing to doing that again—only more.
Be intentional at ArcStone. In the busyness of day-to-day tasks, it's easy to lose sight of what matters most. In 2025, I want to focus on impactful work that I truly enjoy and make deliberate choices about where to invest my time and energy.
As the new year approaches, I'm excited to embrace these goals and see where the journey leads. Here's to making 2025 a year of growth, creativity, and intentional living!
What about you? To resolve, or not to resolve? What are your plans for 2025?
Happy New Year!
Nice! I like resolutions...although each day we wake up can be looked at as a mini resolution or a chance to start anew. I like your thought about daily writing, well, I liker all your resolutions and can relate!
For me, I'd like to ramp up my art practice and make a certain number of new paintings this year and get 1 or 2 new galleries. Also on the list, start a long delayed yoga practice (I've kinda started), do some writing (more on that later), make new connections and relations, and bicycle more. I can't have a dog at my apartment, so I guess for now that'll have to wait.
I used to be a resolution person; now I’m a manifestation person. I still reflect the past year’s happenings, but bc I’ve finally embraced my authentic self, I realize I’m a better version of myself when I reflect and manifest. I believe that whatever makes a human feel most like themselves, be it resolutions, manifestations, nothing, or a creative version of greeting the new year; we are all worthy of living what’s meaningful to us. Cheers to making a life most beautiful 💜