What advice would you give to future generations in your family?
February 12, 2025 | Sparkle Wednesday
I recently read an interview with a centenarian—one of those tender, borderline schmaltzy pieces where they share their secret to a long life. I can't resist those! The interviewee recalled how his mother used to say, "Get your nose out of that book and look at the sunset. It's beautiful." I love that it was a book and not a phone! His message was simple: slow down, notice the beauty around you, blink, and you might miss it. Come to think about it, it sounds a lot like Ferris Bueller’s quote, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
The centenarian reflected on his past, admitting that while he made it to the big moments—confirmations, graduations, weddings—he often missed the smaller ones. And that, he regretted. Looking back, he wondered what had been so important that it kept him away. Likely work, likely money. His message was simple: show up for the little moments, too.
My advice to future generations would be to not let money or status keep you from being present for the small stuff. From my experience, the little stuff—like showing up for your kid's 8th-grade band concert—often matters more than the big events because those everyday moments lay a long-lasting foundation of trust, connection, and love.
What about you? What advice would you give to future generations in your family?
I really like those legacy words. Life is better when spent together. I’ll take a different approach and say my advice is to break away from constructs. Make your spirituality, your marriage, your boundaries, & your relationships what is best for you. Step out of the boxes taught in institutions and be authentic without harming others.
I would say don’t worry about the small stuff. Think bigger. Go big or go home. Help other people but remember No is a complete sentence. Make yourself happy first without being selfish & everyone around you will benefit. Laugh a lot & don’t take life so seriously.