Not at all —it’s bad luck being superstitious.

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No, maybe because I'm not a fan of magical thinking. That being said if it gets you over the hump without causing damage to yourself, you go! Also, "correlation does not imply causation" imho

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My mom's parents my grandpa and grandma would throw salt over their shoulders if you spilled the salt run from the room if an umbrella was opened watch out for black cats and not walk under ladders. I'm sure there were more.

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I’m not superstitious except that I do consciously avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. I guess I also say, when something good happens, “don’t bring it up because (whatever was good) will go wrong.” I guess I’m a little superstitious.

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I’m very similar in this way. I sometimes am afraid i’m going to “jinx it”

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I don't know if it qualifies as a superstition but I am incapable of closing my door unless I'm looking at my keys in my hand.

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Not that they're unusual but I abide by jinx and knocking on wood!

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