On Monday, our dog, Ziggy, was acting strange; he was lethargic, his abdomen was severely bloated, and he seemed out of sorts. We quickly decided to load him up in the car and drive to the emergency vet. I'm so grateful we did. Ziggy was diagnosed with GDV, a fairly common but fatal condition. He went in for emergency surgery and is at the pet hospital, recovering for a few days.
The past couple of days without Ziggy at the house have been strange, and it’s lonely here without him. There’s no extra encouragement to get outside for an early morning walk, which has thrown off our regular morning activities.
I love a good morning ritual. It sets a positive tone for the day, bringing clarity, energy, and gratitude. Whether it's meditation, exercise, or simply savoring a good cup of joe, a consistent routine fosters emotional well-being and offers some personal time before the day’s demands take over.
My mornings start with yoga and stretches on my mat, a big cup of coffee by my side, and some music playing—whether it’s my own playlist, The Current, or WQXR New York. I keep the lights off, letting the quiet darkness of winter surround me as I watch the sunrise. Once I’m done, it’s time to get outside for a walk. It’s a peaceful and grounding way to welcome the day.
What about you? What's your morning routine?
I hope everything is okay with Ziggy 💗thinking about that fluff ball of joy and hope he’s recovering well!
Ever since the pandemic and remote work started, I have a very detailed morning routine that I LOVE. Immediately upon waking, Odin and I snuggle in bed (David is usually up and at em already) for a few minutes. Then it’s to the bathroom for a spa like face routine - ice roll, gua sha and alllll the lotions and potions. Next, I turn on classical radio and make coffee. Whole coffee brews, I chug a water and do some light stretching. For the next 20-30 ish minutes I journal and read. As soon as Odin starts to do his morning stretches, I know it’s time for a walk. Then the day has officially begun!