I seem to overshare, take risks on bad jokes, and be the purest version of myself when I'm on the mic at band practice--I never feel judged, just seen and understood. There's also something about the dopamine/adrenaline rush that I get when I'm playing music that puts me in a silly, lighthearted mood, even talking about it makes me look forward to practice. Friendship at its finest if you ask me!

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I feel the most myself on the stone arch bridge in SE Minneapolis. It sort of feels like the landmark to sum up my start to adulthood because I lived and worked so close by. I went there a lot throughout college and experienced a lot of growth by way of deep thinking on everyday walks. I’ve felt nearly every emotion while on the bridge: joy, sadness, confusion, elation, and excitement. Even though I don’t live in Minneapolis anymore, I try to go at least once when I visit because I feel like it grounds me!

I think that if I were to join a choir again I would feel similar to you, aunt Lisa! Getting to perform with other people who love to sing is so incredible, and I think I’d certainly feel most like myself in that setting again.

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I feel the most at home when I am at my studio puttering around and making things. Other daily grounding places are going for walks along Lake Michigan.

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I feel most like myself when I am interacting in a group of friends. I love laughing and talking and learning about other peoples experiences. But as a teacher once told me you are like the extrovert who really is an introvert standing in the shadows watching everyone seeking approval?

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I feel most like myself when I’m at home. While I enjoy travel, I’m really most content at home. I love the routine of simple things- first morning coffee, walking in my neighborhood, cooking, doing flowers, making lists- haha-really. Playing the piano is also when I feel most like my true self. Thanks for this question. It’s good to reflect on these things.

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I feel most like me when I’m hiking in the forest with my red Doc Martens on my feet. I feel grounded and attached in the forest. I feel whole. 🌲

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