Jul 25Liked by Lisa Hirst Carnes

My hero right now is my dear friend Sally who has stage 4 lung cancer. She is handling her illness with grace and honesty in the same way she lives her life. I admire her strength and her vulnerability. She is one of those rare people who is just good. Sally is a person who makes you want to be better. She has a quiet but fierce strength and such compassion. She is a gift.

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Your friend, Sally sounds like an inspiring person. I wish her the best.

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Jul 24Liked by Lisa Hirst Carnes

100% love all of what you wrote! Thank you for getting naloxone training! Naloxone saves lives every day; I hope you consider getting training for others and supporting clean needle exchange sites. Every human is worthy of respect and love!

I wish I could give you a hug. Well done!

Right now, my hero is my partner because even at 60, he continues to strive to be better than he was before. He sees his past mistakes and apologizes, he listens and either corrects his behavior or communicates his need to continue with it. He has gone to therapy, works hard, and does his best to be a good human.

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Hugs back to you, Apryl!

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