My favorite costume from childhood was when I decided to be a fashion designer (which also happened to be my dream job at the time). I wore a dress that my sister had made at a summer camp with a beret and a silky scarf. I thought I looked SO chic! My costume this year was also really fun. I was princess and the pea so so got to wear a cute pajama set and carry around a can of peas, it was so comfy! definitely one of my favorites!

I, like Sam, am a sucker for a kinder bueno treat! I will also never say no to a snickers or twix bar!

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I think it was my queen costume. My dad make me a crown out of a Tide box and we glittered it. I had a lavender dress. We wore our costumes to school. Favorite candy- Snickers. We were in Ireland around Halloween and it was amazing. Have fun!

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My favorite costume I've ever done was this year, a pirate!

Fav candy? Used to be KitKats, but now it's been taken over by Bueno Bars (great for nutella lovers!)

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In my day no one bought costumes. We made them & usually they were very unwoke costumes like Hobos, Gypsys, Black Face, Southern Belles. We tied a scarf around our heads for gypsy’s & wore beads. Hobos wore old, tattered clothes & had a stick with a red, stuffed handkerchief tied on the end. Not popular in this era. Masks were very popular. I went as a cowgirl many times, complete with boots, hat, & toy guns. We wore our costumes all day at school & had a big parade. Ghosts were a hit too, & u used a big, white sheet with holes for eyes & no one knew who you were. My childhood favorite Candy were peanut butter logs but now I love snickers.

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One of my most memorable Halloween costumes was going as a cereal box. Maybe a box of Special K? I remember spending weeks glueing on construction paper lettering. Great fun!

Love 100 Grand candy bars and dots! I haven’t had either of these in years.

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